Saturday, April 26, 2014

Do derma rollers work for reducing old stretch marks?

Stretch marks are deep tears or rips through the deep skin layers and contain scar tissue which is tough. To have a real effect on them a microneedle roller would need to have needles at least 2mm long to penetrate into the scar tissue of the stretch mark!

This is much longer than a home use roller which are typically 0.2mm to 0.5mm long. Needles of more than 0.3mm / 0.5mm long will reach the nerve endings in the skin and are therefore painful! That's why we use local anesthetic in clinic treatments. 

We only use Genuine Dermarollers which have a medical CE mark, are sterile, single use rollers with surgical steel needles. Other dermarollers are not necessarily made to these high standards - bear this in mind when considering either clinic treatments or the purchase of a home use roller system! I have been sent samples of various dermarollers and needles have come out - you wouldn't want that to happen!

The objective with skin needling is to induce pinprick bleeding of the skin. The bleeding brings various cellular actions (fibroblast cell activity) and materials up through the skin's layers including skin growth factors. This is the same response the skin makes to an injury and instigates the formation of new skin and therefore collagen.

This collagen formation helps to smooth and fill in a stretch mark.
Several treatments would be needed depending upon the age and depth of the stretch marks.

I have had my own very deep stretch marks, which were caused during pregnancy 18 years ago, treated here in my clinic with a 2mm and a 2.5 mm dermaroller, 8 weeks apart. 

The stretch marks are now very much smoother and not as deep. I feel than at least one more treatment would be beneficial to reduce them further. 
I hope this goes someway to explain why a short home use roller couldn't make a difference to stretch marks.
It must be stressed that stretch marks cannot be eradicated completely by any treatment.

derma rollers for stretch marks before and after photos

Derma Rollers For Acne Scar Treatment

Derma Rollers For Acne Scar Treatment
Derma roller is a medical microneedling device, which is used to naturally stimulate collagen production in the skin without damaging it. This device can be used in various conditions like acne scars, stretch mark removal, anti ageing and for hair loss management. The dermatologist analyses the skin or hair problem, and prescribes the length of treatment and supportive medicines required.
The treatment is done under topical anesthesia, and causes temporary redness of the skin which lasts for upto 4 hours after treatment. Sunscreens and other adjuvant treatments are advised by the dermatologist. The appearance of the face immediately after a derma roller session is pinkish to red. Depending upon the skin type, the redness will disappear in 1-2 days. Follow up is required after 3weeks. Depending on the skin response to derma roller repeat treatments may be advised by the Dermatologist, taking into account the severity and depth of scarring.

Friday, April 25, 2014

What influence have the fine needles of the Dermaroller on the epidermis?

Epidermal Proliferation

In recent research we found out that even the short needles of the homecare Dermaroller (C8) with a needle length of only 0.18 to 0.20mm (0.0078 inch) have a positive effect on the epidermis without any skincare products. Many people believe that the epidermis consists just of "dead" skin cells, but this is not the case. It is the contrary! Especially in the lowest layer, the basal membrane, we can observe very vital processes.

Epidermis increases in thickness

In recent research we found out that even the short needles of the homecare Dermaroller (C8) with a needle length of only 0.18 to 0.20mm (0.0078 inch) have a positive effect on the epidermis without any skincare products. Many people believe that the epidermis consists just of "dead" skin cells, but this is not the case. It is the contrary! Especially in the lowest layer, the basal membrane, we can observe very vital processes.

What influence have the fine needles of the Dermaroller on the epidermis?

The renewal cycle of the epidermal cells is between 2 and 4 weeks. In aged skin this process is prolonged. From research in the laboratories of MatTek™ and Owen Biosciences™ (USA) with the Dermaroller® we know that even short needles influence the cell communication by electrical signals, especially in the basal membrane. Transmitted Growth Factors (TGF) signals stimulate and accelerate the cell proliferation of keratinocytes, basal cells, etc. This stimulation caused by Dermarolling the skin reduces the proliferation cycle and increases the cell production of undifferentiated and differentiated cells. This results in an increase of the epidermis of 30% and more. The skin (over time) is pushed upward and finally forms the stratum corneum.
With a slower cell cycle, aged skin often has a matte, grayish appearance. This is caused by the slowed cell proliferation and also the keratin scales building up on the surface. This lack of transparency is the substantial optical difference between young and old skin. These matte scales (1 or 2 layers out of about 20) are removed by the fine needles of the Dermaroller.

The Home Care Dermaroller combines several advantages:

Increase of the epidermal cells and the improvement of transparency.
In order to achieve this effect, the Dermaroller may be used only 2 to 3 times per week. Verifiably suitable skin care products can support this effect.
The following observations were reported to us by users of the homecare Dermaroller after they have used it for 2 to 3 months:
  1. Reduction of pore skin / reduction of sebum production (oil flow).
  2. A reduction of monthly breakouts.
  3. A softer and more transparent skin.
  4. A stronger, resilient, more protected skin.

How the Dermaroller works

How the Dermaroller works

The Collagen-Induction-Therapy (CIT) with the needling device called Dermaroller™ is a fairly new procedure for the stimulation of new collagen fibres and other skin cells. In contrary to all ablative techniques such as acid peels or laser it does not damage the skin nor is the epidermis removed. The mechanism of action of the CIT remains largely unknown. If a CIT is performed lege artis I hypothesize that the usual release of growth factors from thrombocytes only play a minor or no role at all.


Abstract reflections about COLLAGEN-INDUCTION-THERAPY (CIT)
A Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Action of Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) using Micro-Needles 1st editition February 2006. 2nd revision January 2007
By Horst Liebl


The Collagen-Induction-Therapy (CIT) with the needling device called Dermaroller™ is a fairly new procedure for the stimulation of new collagen fibres and other skin cells. In contrary to all ablative techniques such as acid peels or laser it does not damage the skin nor is the epidermis removed. The mechanism of action of the CIT remains largely unknown. If a CIT is performed lege artis I hypothesize that the usual release of growth factors from thrombocytes only play a minor or no role at all.
In 2006, Dr. Laaff, a dermato-pathologist, evaluated 20 blinded biopsies from a study performed by Dr. M. Schwarz, a plastic surgeon from Freiburg, into the effects of the Dermaroller on collagen and elastin formation. Biopsies were taken by Dr Schwarz from various parts of the body of 10 patients undergoing elective cosmetic surgery. A first 'control' biopsy was taken adjacent to the site that was needled with the Dermaroller. Six to eight weeks later, another biopsy was taken from the needled skin. New collagen and elastin fiber formation was obvious and quite dramatic. On average, an increase of new fibers of 206% was observed by the pathologist and in one case a 1,000% increase was recorded. In the absence of any signs of overt tissue damage, a new hypothesis for a possible mechanism of action of CIT is proposed.
Histological Findings, Freiburg/Germany 2006 20 times magnification of tissue cross-sections. Dr. Schwarz & Dr. Laaff
(Collagen fibers are schown in purple)

Although we do not know exactly how the needles of the Dermaroller induce such a dramatic amount of collagen, we have scientific proof that the needling procedure triggers new collagen fibres, new melanocytes, stimulates revascularisation, hair growth (especially in scars), re-pigments stretch marks, fills depressed acne scars, softens scars and so on. Quality needles do not damage the skin in the sense of a classical injury. The pricking channels close within 60 to 90 minutes and infections therefore are unlikely. In contrary to new laser devices such as Fractional Laser Therapy where a laser beam penetrate the skin as much as 600 to 700 µm, the Dermaroller needles induce new cell formation exactly where it is needed, without thermal damage. The Dermaroller and all its therapeutic possibilities are just at the beginning of research.

Steps for "Dermarolling" at home Direct Delivery

Direct Delivery

Our skin is not only the biggest organ, but it also protects the body against environmental influences such as temperatures, bacteria, excessive water loss, etc. Skin increases in thickness until the age of 20 and stays constant for about 40 years. After 60 the skin degrades. The normal average human skin has a thickness of 1.5 mm and is categorized in 3 major zones: Epidermis, (0.12 mm) dermis and sub-dermis (1.5 mm).
 The Epidermis has 5 layers in total; the top layer is called the Stratum Corneum. Its thickness is about a hundredth of a millimetre, and it is hard to believe that this thin layer is the main barrier and protection for our body. The Stratum Corneum is constantly reproduced by the lower epidermal layers. It is so effective that nearly nothing can penetrate it.
So what percentage of your skincare regime actually penetrates into viable layers where the active ingredient can stimulate the skin?
100% 50% 30% 10% 3% 1%
Depending on the ‘delivery system’ used in the formulation, the penetration can vary from each skincare brand to the next. Generic, no name brands probably have less than 1% penetration -clinical cosmeceutical brands probably have closer to 30%... but there is still a 70% waste of each application.
The Dermaroller is clinically proven to drive active ingredients deeper into the skin, by a manual delivery system. It will enhance penetration of any ingredient with 200 times more delivery, dramatically giving value and additional results to any skincare regime.

Steps for "Dermarolling" at home

  1. Clean skin with a cleanser
  2. Apply a booster or serum to be enhanced
  3. Apply skincare product in a thin layer and start "Dermarolling"
  4. Roll between 2-5 minutes
  5. After the Dermaroller procedure, apply the recommended Moisturizer


  • When you start to use the Dermaroller for the first time, only use it every 3rd day.
  • When your skin becomes accustomed you may use it in shorter intervals Never apply high pressure on the Dermaroller!
  • Never apply lateral pressure! This may result in scratches and needle damage.
  • Roll each part of the skin 3 times in all four directions – horizontally, vertically and both diagonals.
  • We recommend using the Dermaroller before bedtime.
  • Be patient! Your skin needs time to regenerate!
  • Make sure your personal Dermaroller is properly cleaned – use the ROLLER CLEANER as directed.

What is the Dermaroller?

Frequently Asked Questions

The Dermaroller is a cylindrical shaped drum studded with very fine needles. It is a medical device used in micro needling to break down old scar tissue & to stimulate skin cells to proliferate. This cell multiplication results in the formation of new tissue layers of elastin and collagen fibres (neo-collagenesis) as well as in new capillaries for an improved blood supply (neo-angiogenesis). The procedures are called Scar Reduction Therapy (SRT) & Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT).

What is the Dermaroller?

The Dermaroller is a cylindrical shaped drum studded with very fine needles. It is a medical device used in micro needling to break down old scar tissue & to stimulate skin cells to proliferate. This cell multiplication results in the formation of new tissue layers of elastin and collagen fibres (neo-collagenesis) as well as in new capillaries for an improved blood supply (neo-angiogenesis). The procedures are called Scar Reduction Therapy (SRT) & Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT).

What is the difference between Dermaroller and other skin rejuvenation techniques?

In contrast to all ablative techniques like Lasers and Fractional Laser treatments, the Dermaroller stimulates new tissue formation – it acts constructively and the skin remains intact. The skin does not get damaged (unlike other needling devices) and therefore will not go into a wound healing response. The Dermaroller significantly improves atrophic scars & improves skin texture.

What effects does the Dermaroller have on the skin?

The Dermaroller improves the thickness of the dermis as well as the epidermis. This in return improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles. It also has a positive effect on hyper-pigmentation as well as on hypo-pigmentation. Reduces disfiguring scars & acne scars, stimulates new collagen fibres, improves blood supply and harmonises pigmentation.

How is the Dermaroller procedure performed & does it hurt?

The skin is cleaned and afterwards numbed with an appropriate numbing cream so it should not hurt at all. Skin is thoroughly needled in such a way, that each skin part is needled about 15 to 20 times. An even flushing is the best indication for a perfect medical performance.

Can the Dermaroller be performed on any skin colour?

Since Dermaroller does not use thermal heat (unlike IPL & Lasers) it is safe to use on all skin types and all skin colours. There is no risk of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation.

How often can the Dermaroller procedure be repeated?

For Collagen Induction Therapy we recommend to start with 3 treatments, but with a minimum separation time of 6 to 8 weeks between treatments. For Scar Reduction Therapy an average of 3 to 5 treatments are recommended, with an improvement of 70-80%. Unlike ablative procedures for facial skin only, the Dermaroller can be used on all skin parts of the body (neck, décolleté, arms, legs, etc).

What are the side effects of a Dermaroller procedure?

There are virtually no negative side effects, and none have ever been reported in over 150,000 procedures performed worldwide.

Are there any risks of post-op infections?

Since the tiny pricking channels close within one hour, and provided the procedure is done under clinical conditions, post-op infections are very unlikely.

What is the down time after a Dermaroller treatment?

The inflammatory reaction of the skin is extremely short and fades significantly within hours from redness to pinkish that may last for 12 to 24 hours on average. In order to reduce visible redness, we recommend healing minerals, peptides or hyaluronic acid after the procedure, and to protect the skin with zinc based sun screen. We also recommend the use of mineral makeup to help with the healing.

What should I avoid on my skin?

To ensure the right healing environment, for 2-3 days DO NOT use AHA’s (Glycolic Acid), Retinol, acidic or “active” ingredients.

What should I use on my skin after the Dermaroller treatment?

An Anti-Inflammatory Cleanser to soothe, Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate, Copper to help heal, Zinc to help heal but also to protect.

What are the differences in Dermaroller models?

Principally, there are none - both models (medical and home care) only differ in needle size. While the medical Dermaroller has longer needles - to induce collagen & reduce scars in deeper skin layers, the needles of the Home Care Dermaroller are very short, not more than 0.2 mm. The Home Care Dermaroller serves the following purposes:
a) To enhance active substance through the skin barrier(stratum corneum)
b) To improve and support results after and in between CIT treatments by: stimulating epidermal cells for proliferation that results in a faster renewal cycle of the epidermis and thickens the epidermal cell layers.
The Home Care Dermaroller is NOT suitable for collagen treatments, but it helps to maintain a beautiful skin.

Does the Dermaroller have the same effect like Fractional Laser Therapy?

YES! But the mechanism of action of a Fractional Laser is totally different. The laser beam sets a burn wound that results in necrosis. After an inflammatory process the necrosis transforms into fibrotic tissue in forms of micro scars. Nerve cells are “melted” by the hot laser beam, therefore the treatment is relatively painful. As the doctor cannot see the previous set scars under the epidermis in a follow-up treatment, it is extreme difficult for them to set an even scar pattern.
This is the reason why more treatments are required than initially anticipated. But overall, as reported in clinical trials and besides costly investment in lasers, both therapies have about the same results for facial treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions derma rollers

Frequently Asked Questions

The Dermaroller is a cylindrical shaped drum studded with very fine needles. It is a medical device used in micro needling to break down old scar tissue & to stimulate skin cells to proliferate. This cell multiplication results in the formation of new tissue layers of elastin and collagen fibres (neo-collagenesis) as well as in new capillaries for an improved blood supply (neo-angiogenesis). The procedures are called Scar Reduction Therapy (SRT) & Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT).